Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's the Batman Fan Again

It's just the batman fan again. Nothing exciting on my front happening. Daniel is settled in at school and has a part time job in an office. Dale is working long hours (at least someone in my family is working). I'm still job hunting. I have put in more applications that I have ever done in my entire lifetime (and that's a long time). I'm beginning to think it's a conspiracy: all applications seem to be online or by email. There is no person to person contact until an interview (and that seems to a rare occurrence). I'm doing a awful lot of cooking and baking to fill my time (and we don't need it). Paul & Lee are also job hunting. We took the Georgia Work Ready test and have certificates. Hopefully I won't have so much time on my hands in the near future. Who would have thought that I WANT to work? Dale took pictures of our house and they are on facebook. I'm trying to work up the energy to work in the backyard. I need to pull vines. Maybe I should rent a sheep or goat. Now that would be an experience. We have a few deer in the neighborhood. Dale usually sees one or two when he leaves in the morning, around 6 AM. That's all for now.


  1. Good to see your post and comments..hope you are successful real soon in your job search. I agree...too many companies now hiring on the paperwork...if they could only meet you and see who you are..they could have a wonderful employee...keep searching Kit..someone is looking for YOU!k.

  2. Thanks Kay. I'm not giving up. I know someone out there wants me :). Kit
