Monday, September 27, 2010

Praying For Dan

I know you all know about Dan being hospitalized but just wanted to write here and remind everyone to keep them all...Dan, Paul, Kit and Dale in our prayers. I was able to travel to Ga. yesterday but unable to visit with him. We are so thankful that our Lord hears and answers our prayers. This has been a not so gentle reminder that:
Life is what happens while we make other plans...
From the call from Joe and Mick's kids and Chase being so thoughtful and helping me locate their parents who sat and talked to me in the Sandi telling me about lighting candles in Tim saying today..."how wonderful our prayers were answered" Ann and her daughters asking as soon as they saw me today about Dan... and Deb in her gentle way saying how much she appreciated the updates...we are so blessed to have a family that cares about each other and loves each other...I believe in the power of prayer and also the power of family. Lets keep in touch...not an idle comment but a thought filled one...we all need each other.
Dan...when you can/if you ever read this..please know that you are being lifted up in our thoughts and prayers...Keep fighting this and improving...
Your Family

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's the Batman Fan Again

It's just the batman fan again. Nothing exciting on my front happening. Daniel is settled in at school and has a part time job in an office. Dale is working long hours (at least someone in my family is working). I'm still job hunting. I have put in more applications that I have ever done in my entire lifetime (and that's a long time). I'm beginning to think it's a conspiracy: all applications seem to be online or by email. There is no person to person contact until an interview (and that seems to a rare occurrence). I'm doing a awful lot of cooking and baking to fill my time (and we don't need it). Paul & Lee are also job hunting. We took the Georgia Work Ready test and have certificates. Hopefully I won't have so much time on my hands in the near future. Who would have thought that I WANT to work? Dale took pictures of our house and they are on facebook. I'm trying to work up the energy to work in the backyard. I need to pull vines. Maybe I should rent a sheep or goat. Now that would be an experience. We have a few deer in the neighborhood. Dale usually sees one or two when he leaves in the morning, around 6 AM. That's all for now.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Heeeelllllllllooooooooo it me again

Sure was hoping that someone who join me in this blog...but since we go blogging again...I have a few more pictures to share with you all. Hope that everyone is not too bored.. and that everyone is getting along well...heard from Sandi that they are doing good...Mick dropped me a facebook did Kit...
The NC girls are doing well....Sam starts Girls on The Run next week...Tori made Yearbook Staff and Jenna is running on the Cross Country Team..(me?..I am just running around in my VW)...Ann loves her new job...Jonathan is doing good..he is sure handy to have around as he loves cars as much as Tim and Gene and helps with their (constant) repair. Gene is busy this time of year in his stores..he is in Boone now with a remodel store opening...that left me to watch the the way...still have openings for (several) kittens and cat adoptions.The Mountain State Fair starts this weekend for sheep. Jenna will be showing her sheep from the Carl Sandburg Home in Flat Rock. Next weekend the girls will be showing their cows. They have been really trying to get them use to the handlers...I wonder if the music being played in the barn really helps?lol...Tim and Gene have plans to travel to Pigeon Forge all next weekend for the Old Car Show over there. It will be Tim's birthday so I KNOW they will have a fun time checking out all the cars.
OK...I have let you all in on what is happening around here...someone please join in...
Love to you all......