Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rent-A Cows Time again

The girls have their Fair cows for this year...our cousin Mary Louise is married to the farmer who has the remaining Biltmore lineage cows...the girls are showing three cows again this year for the Mt. State Fair....they have been playing music for them in the barn..(heard this gem at a seminar)...supposed to make for more contented cows..lolol...will see.
Jenna will be showing her goat from Carl Sandburg House again this year also. She has volunteered there all summer each sunday afternoon. The twins have volunteered at the WNC Nature Center all summer also.
Sam and the Bear have just been raising more and I do mean MORE cats...any one want one or more???
Would love to hear from you all about what you have been up to also....please share your news with us.

Blue Ridge Travels 8-21-2010

Just wanted to share with you...anyone reading this blog?..we spent a rainy saturday on the Parkway in celebration of its 75th birthday....yeah to a country that respects a road...and a mighty road at that...

Hello Hello....anyone there????

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Some Gene branch photos

Just posted some pictures taken of Gene's branch....just thought you all would enjoy them...the ones of Hope and Emma were taken the day of Kit's party as we met Hope to say Happy 18th (I know,.how is that possible)....the ones of Sam, Jenna and Tori were taken the day before school started as they were sporting their new hair cuts...
Hope everyone will share pictures with us.

Kit's Open House

Just posted some candid pictures from Kit's Open House...sorry there were not more...the photographer suffered a better for sure....we sure did have a good time....good conversation, good food and good time had by all...we have all commented on how we are all so happy to see Kit and Dale settled in and enjoying Georgia..just what life should be----enjoying the passage of time.
We are all looking forward to getting together again before too long.
Best Wishes to Kit and Dale and boys.
Hey..where are the rest of you Roberts family? We would love to hear how things are going for you all.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Warm, Fuzzy Memories

Being in a new place, I can't help but think about the past: what I would have or not have done differently. I don't really think I would do anything differently. I know that everyone should have a crush on at least one superhero, especially at an early age (nananananana BATMAN!). Though I had brothers older than I am, I did have a nephew and nieces not too far behind me. I got to be in that twilight roll of aunt/sister kind of thing. Now that they're married with children of their own, it does make me feel old. Although I have no biological sisters, I sure did have the best two sisters while I was growing up. I just don't believe I truely appreciated them until I became older; and by then, two more sisters were added to my family. I don't know of any families who have fantastic brothers and sisters like I do. I figure that there aren't too many girls who were able to wax surfboards, polish all those dress shoes for Sunday morning or learn poker from the preacher. I don't know of any little girls lucky enough to have a brother buy her a little yellow outfit from Sears, or take her, with his own date (even though Mom told him to do it), to the drive-in movies. I even had the privilege of going to North Carolina at the age of 16 and received my first marriage proposal (I still wonder how desparate those guys really are). Going to Alabama for family vacations so I could play dominos with Aunt Cil and eat fried pies was also a big highlight. Life was good. I still love my family and wouldn't trade them for anyone else. I know our boys love being a part of this family. They look forward to spending time with the Roberts Clan. It's hard for me to accept so much passing of time. I'm 50 and I still love Batman; but I forgot where I put my cape :(. Dan is now 20 and a college student (Go Yellow Jackets!). Paul is 19 and job hunting. They both tolerate my emotional trips down memory lane with a roll of their eyes and a shake of their heads. I've been relegated to the old as dirt category. That's okay. I'm stockpiling pictures of them for future blackmailing purposes (similar to ones like David as baby in a cardboard box and Rob with his Roberts' ears being focused). I don't think of my childhood as something to be missed; it's just something to be expanded. Now I'm adding to those warm, fuzzy memories with new Georgia memories, the first addition being last Saturday. I'm so glad we're family!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome Kit and Ann

I think this can/will be fun....Kit you can author your own post if you should is fine to use the comment section if you so choose but with your English skills we can really add some class here..lolol....just don't correct our grammar...just kidding....
You can add pictures to your post...and please feel free to do so...I will add some from last weekend but really did not take many...hope to not be feeling so bad the next time we all get together.
Hope some more will join up!

Hello Family

If you are reading will have received the information on THEROBERTSREPORT5 blog.The updated information was sent you 8-11 with information on signing in as authors to contribute....hope you are will want to will need to sign up for a google account if you do not already have one but it is relatively painfree....
Thanks again to Kit and Dale for inviting us to their open was lovely and fun and a blessing to see them so happy in their new out Georgia....looks like they have Georgia (Tech) on Their Mind Already!
Please post some thoughts!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


The girls, Jonathan, & I are sorry we missed your house warming party Kitten, this past weekend. We heard everyone had a great time. Count us in on the next family get together.

The Beginning??

Due to a lack of communication just discovered last how could this have really happened???? because three of the most talkative ladies you will ever meet...just let something slip in the world-wide communication system known as: of us...OkOK...two..of us want to start a blog to keep us all informed of our loved ones lives...carrying-ons and general we want to know knowledge...
This is a test to see if this blog can be accessed using the information that we provide...
If you have something to share...please sign up...this will access you into this blog.